
iOS 15.4 Will Let All Apps Use The iPhone 13’s 120Hz Display

One of the features of Apple’s higher-end iPhone 13 models is that it comes with a 120Hz ProMotion display. However, due to some weird bug, third-party app animations were locked to 60Hz and could not take full advantage of the higher refresh rate, which is kind of a pity as some customers obviously spent more money to get the higher-end Pro models.

Back then when it was first reported, Apple claimed that this was due to a Core Animation bug that would be addressed in a future update. The good news is that it looks like the problem has since been fixed, according to developer Christian Selig who says they were told by someone at Apple that the problem has now been resolved.

This is in the iOS 15.4 beta where it appears that third-party app animations will now be able to take full advantage of the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max’s 120Hz ProMotion display. This means that once this update has been pushed out to users, the animation from third-party apps should not be any different from those found in Apple’s own first-party apps, thus creating a more unified experience.

We’re not sure what took Apple this long to fix the problem, but we suppose it’s better late than never. There is still no word on when iOS 15.4 will be released to the public, but as it is available in beta, we are one step closer to its final release.

Filed in Apple >Cellphones. Read more about Apps, iOS, Ios 15 and Iphone 13. Source: macrumors

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