Your pocket will love the new Microsoft Edge features

Don has been writing professionally for over 10 years now, but his passion for the written word started back in his elementary school days. His work has been published on,, eHow,,… Read more
  • The new Microsoft Edge features are focused on saving you time and money.
  • Express checkout and access to customer reviews are some of the new features.
  • Edge has also introduced advice and suggestions when you check out.

If there has ever been a time to make Microsoft Edge your default browser, this here couldn’t be a better time. You see, Microsoft Edge has released new features and functions that set it apart from other browsers. You will definitely love the new features aimed at saving your time and money. Let’s face it, we all love to save a few coins here and there.

A few weeks ago, Microsoft Edge received new improvements related to privacy.

Instant customer reviews

When shopping online, part of the purchase decision is largely guided by customer reviews. Now, if the reviews are a hard find, it becomes cumbersome. Well, Microsoft Edge has found a way to make it accessible to you with just a click of a button. When you click the blue tag in the search bar, you get to the reviews!

Express checkout

The new express checkout feature will save you time. You have the option to guest checkout for faster purchases next time. Nobody enjoys loading their credentials every time they have to make a purchase.

This Twitter user seemed to want more from the new features.

Wait, there’s more

Tips! Yes, if you are planning a getaway, Edge will help you with a list of places worth your time. A notification bar in the search bar will take care of this. If you wish to sit back and let Edge do the work for you, it certainly will.

Again, if you are the type to enjoy organization, the Tabs group can be packed so that you don’t have a bunch of tabs open and pressed for space.

For a more detailed look at the features, visit Microsoft’s website.

Are the new Microsoft Edge features appealing to you? Let us know what you find most interesting in the comments down below.


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