Why ASO should come before UA with Elena Wibmer, App Radar ⎮ The App Marketing Snack #16

This episode’s guest is Elena Wibmer, Product Marketer at App Radar. She teaches us the difference between doing ASO for apps versus mobile games and why ASO should be the heart of your marketing efforts. 

This is the transcript of the video above.

I’m Elena, Elena Wibmer, working here at App Radar as a Product Marketer. App Radar itself for those who are not familiar with it, we are an app marketing tool, we are enabling best practice marketing for basically all businesses with apps. 

What’s one thing everyone should know about ASO?

I think that one thing is that ASO should be, in my opinion, the heart of all your app marketing efforts. So in other words, no matter which channel you’re trying to drive traffic to, I think a solid ASO strategy will just simply help you to also boost the performance or any paid UA channel for example. 

What’s an ASO mistake you see a lot of people make?

I think on one hand it’s doing too many changes at the same time. So for example, if you change now, in August, your metadata, you change your creatives, and maybe do a price change because you want it all in one right? I mean obviously, I will try for fast results. But really here my key recommendation is that you try to really do it step by step so that you’re also to then identify where the change in traffic, hopefully, the increase but whether the increase or decrease is coming from. 

And then another thing that I really, really would like to emphasize is the topic of leaving the quality of the product, of the app itself, aside because I think you can have the best ASO strategy but simply if you have like not a stable product, or where you have a high crash rate and stuff it will simply harm your visibility in the stores then as well. 

What’s the difference when doing ASO for an app versus a mobile game?

I mean I believe there are some differences, yes, so I mean first of all looking at which type of users we’re dealing with in both worlds and the intent behind downloading the app or the game. So I think I mean, simply put into words, for games the users are players right? And for apps they’re basically I would say maybe everybody else but I think that already makes a massive difference in ASO when we look then also at how we optimize the keywords that we select, how we choose the creatives, and so on and really targeting those different types of users. 

And when doing the keyword research and trying to optimize and rank high for those keywords, I think that for apps we do have probably a way bigger amount of generic potential keywords. When we think of a fitness app for example, it could be like loose weight, gain muscles, fitness app and eat healthy and so on.

 So really also going besides the features to that “ok what am I looking to achieve” versus I think in the games’ category it could be more limited when we talk about those game combinations maybe some competitors that you try to take and add some generic words in there but I think that is also really coming back again to the different types of users.

Which one should come first, ASO or UA?

I mean I have a very clear opinion on it and in my opinion, it is like going to optimize your app store page as the first step. And no matter which channel you’re trying to do afterward it should as I said really be in my opinion the heart of all your app marketing efforts. 

Why am I saying this? Because I think the users will land, no matter from where you’re trying to bring them into your store listing. And this moment is where you need to convince them to download. 

And on the other hand, another advantage that I try to bring, is just simply: effective ASO can also help you lower your acquisition costs of any paid UA channel and just make it more efficient.

Marine Nozerand

Hi there, I’m Marine (she/her), I’m a Content Manager at Apptamin. Apptamin is a creative agency specialized in app videos (video ads, app store videos, etc.).

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