Use the Fun New WordleBot Shortcut to Annotate You Results in the Viral Word Game

But Federico Viticci from MacStories has created a great way that expands on the Wordle universe with a WordleBot Shortcut.

He explains more about the Shortcut on MacStories:

WordleBot works with successful results shared from the Wordle web app (I assume that if you fail to complete a puzzle, you likely don’t want to brag about it). Once you’re done with a Wordle puzzle, hit the Share button, select WordleBot from the share sheet, and voilà – WordleBot will reformat your Wordle results to include scores for each line. The reformatted results are automatically copied to the clipboard, so you can paste them in other apps and share them – with more context around the emoji – with everyone else who’s currently obsessed with this word game.

The Shortcut is also a more accessible way to share your results with anyone who is colorblind or has a visual impairment.

Head to MacStories and read more about the Shortcut.

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