
Microsoft announces the general availability of Visual Studio 2022

Visual Studio 2022 has finally reached general availability. This latest release comes with a ton of new features and improvements, including .NET 6. There is lots to talk about, so let’s jump right in!


One the most important changes is that Visual Studio is finally 64-bit. This means you can now take advantage of modern hardware and more memory to load even the most demanding projects in seconds instead of minutes while effortlessly navigating your projects and solutions with greater ease.


Visual Studio 2022 comes with huge improvements to tried and true developer aids like IntelliCode. This AI-powered developer co-pilot enables you to focus on the solution and not so much on the syntax or implementation. It catches mistakes and even helps you write more efficient and performant code.


Hot Reload has gotten a lot of love in this release as well, it works more often and greatly cuts down on the need to redeploy your applications while you edit code on the fly.


Git integration has been in the works for quite some time, however its not until Visual Studio 2022 where its finally presented as a seamless and streamlined experience. It has never been easier to create, clone, and open your Git repositories. Everything from committing, pulling and pushing changes to your code has been improved as well.

The improvements are vast, and they all come together to help developers make the most of their time.

Watch the Launch Event

There are a ton of features being shipped with Visual Studio 2022. To see what the fuss is all about, check out the launch event stream.

Ready to build something great?

If you are ready to get your hands on Visual Studio 2022 head over to the official page. Happy coding!

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