Is Xbox All Access worth it? Here are the pros and cons

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  • Xbox Series X is selling out fast and restocks are rare but why is that?
  • Xbox All Access may be the answer to this problem but what are the pros and cons of going this route?
  • The Xbox All Access is currently retailing at $35 per month and you will get an Xbox Series X.

Xbox has had quite the year with the number of releases and newly added features that have the fans hurrying up their boots to secure one of the Xbox Series X/S.

A few days, the cloud gaming feature was released and adds to the number of reasons why one would want to get their hands on the Xbox Series X. 

However, the Xbox Series X is almost always out of stock at major retailers which leave fanatics no other choice but to go for the Xbox All Access. Well, is it worth it?

Xbox All Access: What is its worth

Xbox All Access is basically a financing option that charges you $35 a month for two years.


  • You get access to Series S and X consoles if you are short of cash and have 24 months to pay for them.
  • You will not incur any additional costs if you miss the $35 monthly payment for any of the 24 months in the contract.
  • You get a discount as the Xbox All Access rounds up to $840 while an Xbox Series X 
  • plus the subscription adds up to $860.


  • Whereas you will not be charged for failure to pay on time, you risk losing promotional incentives.
  • Not everyone will qualify for the Xbox All Access especially with a bad credit score.
  • In the long run, 24 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Pass doesn’t seem like the deal of the year and is certainly not cost-effective.
  • The games are frequently rotated so you may get bored easily. It is better to purchase the games you need on Xbox Series S.

Ultimately, if you are not ready to commit to two years of monthly deductions, you may want to reconsider making such a significant purchase.

Would you purchase the Xbox All Access just to get the Xbox Series S? LEt us know in the comment section below.

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