Hyper Scape is being shut down less than two years after launch

Ubisoft has announced that their actually quite enjoyable sci-fi battle royale Hyper Scape, will be shut down later this year in April. 

Initially launching in August of 2020, Hyper Scape was received as just another battle royale game to be thrown onto the growing pile, however, it wasn’t entirely without charm. Unique abilities helped to spice up the battles, and weapons, as well as abilities, could be easily upgraded so the tempo was usually quite rapid.

Unfortunately for Ubisoft, Hyper Scape never managed to see mass appeal, with many players quickly falling out of favour with the game post-launch. Ubisoft eventually promised an overhauled of the game so it could reach its “full potential” however this promised improvement never arrived. 

In the end, player numbers dwindled far enough that full lobbies were but a pipe dream to remaining players. Matches would start with the map closed off to all but the final sectors in order to keep players together, allowing at least a smidgen of enjoyable gameplay to be found still, however soon even that will be no more. 

In a new blog post on their website, Ubisoft revealed “the future of Hyper Scape,” also known as its death. “We have made the difficult decision to end development of Hyper Scape and shut the game down as of April 28th,” Ubisoft stated. 

“We set out to create a vertical, close-quarters, and fast-paced shooter experience and we are extremely grateful to our community for joining us on our journey. We will be taking key learnings from this game into future products.”

With Hyper Scape not requiring any more development or attention, Ubisoft will be free to focus on the more important things in life such as peddling NFTs to the unenthused masses. 

Recently Ubisoft’s head NFT peddler Nicolas Pouard stated that the company won’t be slowing down despite the negative reception to their Quartz NFT program, as we the people just “don’t get it for now.”

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