
How to download Origin on Windows 11

by Loredana Harsana

Windows & Software Expert

Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was on top of the world and… Read more

  • In order to download Origin on your Windows 11 PC, it will be needed to navigate to an official download page.
  • Can’t install the platform on your computer? You must be dealing with a cluttered hard drive.
  • Don’t miss out on the last section of our article to see how to clean your files.

origin-w11 how to download origin on windows 11


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You can purchase some of the most incredible games available on Origin, such as Battlefield, The Sims, Star Wars, Fifa, and the list goes on and on. Thus, we will show you today how to download Origin on Windows 11.

The platform also offers numerous entertaining free-to-play games, so there is no need to spend money on games.

Aside from that, you may add friends, play with friends, use the in-game overlay to browse the web while playing, and gain achievements, among many other things.

If you find that you can’t install Origin on your computer, scroll down to our last section which discussed this topic and provides a solution for you to follow. Keep up with us!

What does Origin do?

Origin is a platform that is required in order to be able to play the majority of Electronic Arts games on your Windows 11 PC. The platform has been in existence for quite some time, and it offers a diverse selection of other games that you can purchase and play.

origin install how to download origin on windows 11

But it also has other useful features, such as the ability to talk with friends and earn achievements for the games you play. It is definitely worth checking out.

In addition to Steam and Epic Games, it is one of the many game launchers that are accessible for your Windows computer.

For those who would prefer to have a large number of various games to pick from and enjoy playing without the necessity of purchasing each one, EA Play is the solution.

In essence, it is a subscription service that grants you access to special in-game awards, trials of specific games, exclusive in-game incentives, as well as a library of games that you can choose from.

How can I download Origin on Windows 11?

Use their official website

  1. Head to Origin’s official website where you will already see the option to download Origin on your Windows PC or Mac.origin-home how to download origin on windows 11
  2. Now all you have to do is click on Download, then save the executable file they will how to download origin on windows 11
  3. Lastly, double-click on the downloaded file in order to install it and follow the on-screen steps. That’s it! Pretty simple, isn’t it?run-origin how to download origin on windows 11

Why can’t I install Origin on Windows 11?

Due to potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows Registry entries left on your computer by a computer, Origin may fail to install on your computer.

Too much clutter on your hard drive not only takes up valuable storage space but also makes your computer work harder to locate the things you do need.

It is possible to archive files that are no longer in use to an external device, while downloads, duplicates, and temporary files can be erased entirely.

The usage of a specialized tool that cleans your files and the Windows Registry, such as CCleaner, is recommended in this situation because other software installations and Windows functioning may be impaired as well.

An alternative to the aforementioned software, CCleaner, we recommend that you check out our article on 5 best registry cleaner applications for Windows 11.

For more information on how to clean your files, take a look at our post on how to run Disk Cleanup in Windows 11 and make your PC swifter to use.

And if you are interested in how to make Windows 11 faster and more responsive, don’t miss out on the guide linked, and make sure to share it with your friends!

Was this guide helpful for you? Don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!

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